We have had a few days of discussion. If there are any issues from either of these meetings that you would like to discuss further, please reply to this thread.
You should all be fairly far into mapping your info. Those of you that are doing a front-end print piece should have a rough in hardcopy form to review on Wed. The rest should be well into organizing site structure and developing visuals—I would like to see these on Wed. as well.
Don’t forget to send me a PDF of your poster from last week’s Project One work. This should be accompanied by a text translation.
I want to continue the discussion on imagination and how this idea can be carried out from process through production. The talk on paths was also pretty interesting, especially the idea of landmarks and guides. These topics are both areas that I have been reading a lot about, and areas that I actually have not considered until this semester as taking a huge role in my thoughts and ideas. The thing it is, they should be. Why do we not speak of imagination? Why do we feel the need to show and explain EVERYTHING, and feel undone if we leave out a certain explanation? Who says our imagination and the pieces we fill in to the empty spaces can not tell a story?
Posted by Alex F on February 14, 2005 04:09 PM
It would be great if we could have some more flash tutorials
Posted by Caroline O on February 13, 2005 11:26 PM