[ 9 ] Colleen Simon

posted by Tony Brock on May 3, 2005 | comments: 10 | post a comment

The idea of a race is very clever, I think you could push this one further. maybe instead of bars you could have an icon of a runner, repeated however many times to fill the space (also creating a pattern). Also thinking about creating a more organic race track, instead of sticking with the strictly geometrical alignment.

Posted by carolin on May 3, 2005 04:26 PM

I like your slogan, "Race to a Healthy Diet" but I like Carolin's runner idea too. I can see different sized runners in my head, proportionaly matching to the different foods. That would be really nice to see because that oil guy would be pretty short. If you are going to be stereotypical about the running thing, maybe you can think of other race related things to use fo this piece or following pieces--such as ribbons for winners, lots of water, etc.

Posted by Jessica R on May 3, 2005 05:51 PM

This one is nice for kids because of the idea of competition. Lots of imagery could be used here, as already stated, and maybe you get animated with the foods, such as running broccoli and sweating carrots. Man, I really want to see this, I would laugh hard.

Posted by Alex Ford on May 3, 2005 07:12 PM

I love the idea of competition! Right now it is really functioning as a chart. But, is it easy to remember a chart? Im not sure what your goal is but, simplifying could be a key factor.

Posted by Candace on May 3, 2005 08:27 PM

I see an ovular track field, or some type of top view of a distinct type of track. It could even have different colored people at the front of each bar, running for each food group. Ok that might be cheesy, but something to that effect...you get the idea.

Posted by Liollio on May 3, 2005 08:35 PM

hey dude, this one's all about cheese. Thanks for the suggestions!

Posted by colleen on May 3, 2005 09:10 PM


you have layered info and taken advantage of space nicely. redundant text with image clarifies. the call to action / motivational bent is worth exploring further. continue to refine.

should we really be eating this much cheese. it slows digestion considerably.

Posted by tony on May 3, 2005 09:28 PM

Clever idea and kudos for coming up with your own slogan. This would really speak to kids. I agree that there could be better ways to visually represent this, it essentially reads as a bar graph to me. I like Ford's idea of the running vegetables or even the track idea.

Posted by Matt H on May 3, 2005 10:56 PM

Posted by colleen on May 5, 2005 04:11 PM

(to play devils advocate) caution ---"race" to a healthy diet? think about how language and graphics works, resonates in our mind subconciously. The checkerboard comunicates a racetrack flag to me - a nascar 500 racetrack in particular. - thus the association to cars, thus the association of eating on the run, i.e. - fast food. What are we racing to in urbanized modern society? Is slowing down actually better? more healthful? Is the metaphor of a race appropriate, irrespective of its (seemingly) fit to a graphic situation?

Posted by kermit on May 5, 2005 05:42 PM