Food pyramid CRITIQUE

Thanks to the GD400 Juniors for taking on this project so late in the semester. Please send me revised work in PDF format no later than 10PM this Thursday. The work will be sent to USA Today on Fri.

ADDENDUM: this thread will carry general research discussion and summery conversation about how the project solutions are developing. Consider this open crit space to take stock of what need to be considered by all.

PLEASE READ ALL COMMENTS on ALL THREADS—they are (ALL) applicable to your work.

Branding is always afoot. This is my take on the food triangle. : )

posted by Tony Brock on May 3, 2005 | comments: 9 | post a comment

I was wondering where everyone was getting their information for their diagrams. I went by the new food pyramid based on the 2,000 calorie diet and it said that milk/dairy is the type of food to eat more of everyday. How is everyone handling the serving size/cups/ounces situation? Did you use the old pyramid? Or did you make up your information? I wanted to make sure the we were all on track and no one is misinformed (including me).

Posted by Jessica R on May 3, 2005 07:27 PM

Ok here is the deal....

It took me a while to figure it out but here is how the grain is more than everything else...
It says 10ounces of grain which is equal to just over 1 cup. BUT, if you click on the 10ounces it shows ex.(1Cup of ceral is = to 1 dietary ounce)

(35 male More than 60 min.)

so what they should say is one cup of ceral is one cup and you need roughly 10 bowls of ceral or some other form of grain to get that "10 ounces" (kind of like that TOTAL commercial)

Also I just assumed they did it right and drew lines under the pyramid and assigned the oils as 1 unit and the others showed how large in porportion they should be. (They are the little lines I have coming off my rings)

I hope this makes sense because I feel that I am getting confused just writting it.

Posted by Quentin on May 3, 2005 08:30 PM

Yeah, all the work I have posted is wrong, and I have since corrected it. After doing research, I got some numbers straight. So anyone working from the new pyramid's 2,000 calorie diet can use these numbers. Originally the new pyramid said that we need 6 ounces of grains a day. One ounce equals about half a cup of pasta, therfore it would take 3 cups of pasta to fulfull your 6 ounce allowance. So it equals with the milk which feels a lot more right. Actually, Milk, Grains, and Vegetables are about equal. I think that's what I will use.

Posted by Jessica R on May 3, 2005 10:21 PM

GRAIN IS NUMBER ONE. Please keep the values as they have been set by the general mark.

Posted by tony on May 3, 2005 10:31 PM

So, did anyone ever find out if Porter Novelli counts Nike as a client?

Posted by Caroline on May 3, 2005 10:31 PM

Tony said: GRAIN IS NUMBER ONE. Please keep the values as they have been set by the general mark.

I have gotten my numbers from the new pyramid with the cups/ounces that they gave us. I understand that grains are what we eat more of, but according to the new pyramid everything is really mixed up. I agree there shouldn't be that much milk, but that's what they have. Should we modify the old pyramid more so than go by the new one. It's really confusing. I'll just shut up and work with what I have Grains>Vegetables>Fruits>Milk>Meat --- is this ok?

Posted by Jessica R on May 3, 2005 11:20 PM

I understand, from the old pyramids to the new, and the ones we have all been working on, that certain food groups are more essential than others.

But by how much?

So grain is number one, but I feel we need to get the idea across that the nutrients in these foods is the reason they are important, that there are certain vitmains and minerals in the bread group that you cant get from another group. But there are some nutrients in bread that you can get in another group. So what makes these certain groups unique and why should I eat more of this one than that one?

I understand the answers to these questions, but I think more should be said than simply "eat more bread than meat".

Posted by Alex Ford on May 4, 2005 04:11 PM

ok, someone please tell me the correct proportions for this thing, it seems everyone has it different. I got that grain is number one but where does dairy fit into it? I have it being equal to grain and others have it way confused.

Posted by colleen on May 4, 2005 11:18 PM

Here are all the roughs at this point. I put them all in one place so you can get a quick read on the lot.

Here are all the roughs at this point. I put them all in one place so you can get a quick read on the lot.

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Posted by tony on May 5, 2005 04:31 PM