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Three designs made the cut and if there is space they MAY (no promises) print all three.

posted by Tony Brock on May 10, 2005 | comments: 4 | post a comment

At first glance I noticed the measurement for oil is abbreviated, meaning table spoons. Why weren't the other measurements abbreviated? Using, Oz. C. T. on all or spell them all out. It may have been better to use a fraction of a cup instead of mixing ounces and table spoons and cups. Ounces are usually used for weight and cups for volume. Incidentally, solids don't fit into a cup any easier being fruit or chicken.

Secondly, it is a little misleading to propose that a person needs 3 cups of cheese a day! Comparing this to the 6-oz. of bread, that makes for a weird looking sandwich. Having a realistic picture represent a food group is ok if that connection is established elsewhere. By using these realistic pictures the designer is drawing on the idea that the viewer has seen the pyramid and knows that apple means FRUIT. If this chart is to replace the pyramid, where then would the connotations come from?

Finally, one of the major goals of the new system was to include exercise. That was what I found so impressive about Q's; it had a scaled system that correlated with physically activity.

Posted by ANNAW on May 18, 2005 01:51 PM

I just noticed that the top chart shows tablespoons and the middle one has teaspoons. Big difference! Also, I didn't notice that OIL is on the corners of the barbell. That should be in the brown from the meat and beans category.

Posted by ANNAW on May 18, 2005 01:56 PM

Just as a little point of clarification, the abbreviation for tablespoons is usally T. or Tbsp., always with a capital T, and the abbreviation for teaspoons is t. or tsp., but always with a lowercase t.

This is something that people who follow recipes would know, but not necessarily everyone so it's probably best to avoid the abbreviations and go with the whole word.

Posted by berkoWho? on May 19, 2005 08:45 PM

The food pyramids should be in the Thursday, June 9th edition of USA Today. Nice going Colleen and Adrienne!!!

Posted by Caroline on June 6, 2005 09:12 PM