Adrienne Yancey : Bitmap

posted by Tony Brock on January 31, 2006 | comments: 4 | post a comment

hi guys.
on the first face, i'm exploring how local dialect can influence a typeface.
i was influenced by the flea market signage near my house. the hybrid of
cursive mixed with sans serif says a lot about this local culture. i'm interested
in the way that people speak, differences between regions, through my
experiences from being raised in a small town to raleigh to other major cities.

just exploring different options as of now.
\\\comments please.

Posted by adrienne yancey on February 2, 2006 09:58 AM

I really like the idea of creating a cursive bitmap typeface. Have you tried to create the entire alphabet using the conventions you found in the Spring Road Sign? I would love to see that played out : )

your second typeface (the curry hot sauce one)::: I'm seeing some issues with the lowercase h and i. The h seem to not fit in with the rest of the letters(I think its x-height is higher than the rest). The lowercase i seems to disappear at the smallest size. Try adding some width like you did to the j.

Posted by colleen simon on February 2, 2006 04:39 PM

Really cool cursive face up top, looks beautiful at actual size. Try kerning the letters and making the look like they're together and see what happens (as if it's actually hand written). I'm also in love with your lower case H in the "hot sauce" at teh very bottom. it definitely has the most personality (the letter u coming close second) and it would be cool seeing a whole typeface based on that. The main reason i like it is because it's sort of tricky and can be read slanting either left or right. love it.

Posted by Islam Elsedoudi on February 5, 2006 05:23 PM

delicate decorative num1. have you done any more of the scripty forms? I'm looking forward to how it may pan out. I think that your process and looking at signage and origins is great. Process is so important and it is great to see where your thoughts are coming from. I'm guessing that your choice of using the word "HICKORY" and making a fewof the forms bolder is speaking to emphasis on how you hickory-ites say your town name?

Posted by britt on February 8, 2006 12:45 AM