The CAMvas project

The CAMvas project creates an opportunity to spell out CAM to the public, position it confidently, and create new ways of engaging the community. It ensures CAM’s physical existence and influence in the present, even without a completed building. The units become CAM, and an integral part of its identity.
This project lays the groundwork for a future realization of CAMvas. It provides a strategic plan, visualizations, conceptual possibilities, and an identity manual.

CAMvasses are mobile structures that could be positioned at various locations as listed below, thus enriching the Triangle experience. They will put into realization CAM’S objective to become an active participant in the community. They also serve as an innovative interpretative device, providing opportunities for educators and cultural innovators to make a difference within the city, on a visceral and direct level. CAMvasses allow for interdisciplinary collaboration; the constructions can be used as canvasses, architecturally, and as a surface for projections and promotional material.

CAM’s space-less existence can be an advantage in defining the four pillars via community-based events and exposure. The CAMvas project establishes the institution and speaks of the overall umbrella theme, CHANGE. The CAMvas structures enable community involvement from the educational, cultural, and civil arenas. They are ever changing in location, in surface, in meaning, and in flux. They have a presence and act as a sign for CAM, a home without walls.

Possible uses of CAMvas units include but are not limited to collaborative painting events that are videotaped and documented, using time-lapse. They may become sculptures, act as advertising space to showcase upcoming CAM events, or show the process of the construction site. They could become educational modules, left blank for students to fill with guidance of an instructor, or covered with questions and other short statements to provoke public interest. Moreover, they can promote local/national/international artists in a public space, thus elevating the concept of a mobile gallery. Interlocking a range of CAMvas structures will encourage a curatorial element, further emphasizing CAM’s identity, without the need for a building.

Possible locations include but are not limited to other cultural institutions. The BTI Center for Performing Arts and other public meeting places attract different audiences at different times and thus provide broad exposure. Placement around the North Carolina Executive Mansion or The Capitol will show the city’s support for CAM. CAMvas units at local university locations will encourage support from educators and students, thus strengthening CAM’s educational goals. Various nightlife hot spots, as well as open-air communal spaces like Fayetteville Street Mall and City Market, are direct connections to the community.
All suggestions highlight CAM’s objective to show creativity in everyday life.

posted by Carolin Harris on April 2, 2006 | comments: 0 | post a comment